Climate change: business ideas to take advantage of its consequences

On the blog we have discussed many company ideas related to protecting the environment. We even went so far as to highlight that a booming business category is that of companies dedicated to fighting climate change and its consequences . Today we are going to talk about some ideas that directly take advantage of the worst aspects of the problem to turn them into potential businesses.

Fight Dengue

As temperatures rise, disease-carrying mosquitoes like Dengue are reaching new territories . What traditionally was a localized threat in poor countries has now reached the United States and Europe. That makes finding mosquito solutions a priority and a huge potential market. It is probably a theme more suitable for large companies, but you can also imagine products that do not require much investment, such as variations on the theme of mosquito nets ...

Invest in cold areas

Perhaps the country in the world most benefited by climate change is Greenland, which will be able to have access to more cultivable areas and easier access to its natural resources thanks to the thaw. One of the business opportunities associated with global warming is undoubtedly investing in traditionally colder areas. We speak for example of the North of the USA or Scandinavia. They will have a more pleasant climate in the near future, and therefore the land there will probably be revalued.

Natural disaster counseling

A few years ago we discussed that somewhat peculiar business idea . Climate change implies an increase in the frequency of natural disasters (floods, tornadoes, etc.). This implies that there may be a market for consultancies that help companies, neighborhood communities or individuals to take preventive measures to minimize the impacts of various disasters.

Floating cities

That idea probably belongs more to the science fiction section, but I thought it was worth mentioning. Since global warming leads to a thaw, which in turn causes sea levels to rise, one of the main concerns for the coming decades is what will happen to many coastal cities . One possibility would be to start designing floating homes . That is, a houses that can adjust to the water level. That would make it unnecessary to abandon the homes closest to sea level to build new ones, inland.

Private firefighters

The increase in temperatures causes more droughts, which makes fires more frequent . The objective of governments is usually to control the fire as a whole, and not to protect this or that particular home. Hence, a business idea related to climate change would be the creation of private fire companies. Those citizens with greater purchasing power may be interested in contracting the service to protect their land from flames in case the public authorities do not do so as a priority. It would work like insurance, with a fixed fee.

Water-based investment funds

Those investment funds are already a reality . They anticipate possible drinking water supply problems in the coming years, and seek to invest in water companies, or directly in water extraction rights. The idea is that in the medium term, water could become much more expensive than it is now, since it is a basic necessity for our survival, and a relatively scarce commodity. Remember that we have cited ideas on the blog to make better use of water . It is also an option.


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