How to succeed in winning over your competitors

In a highly competitive market, it is sometimes difficult to break into companies that have been established longer than you or have more resources. We then tend to lower the prices of our products or services in the hope of attracting potential customers. Obviously, your prices communicate an idea of ​​what you are, of your expertise, of how you judge your own services. Difficult to appear as an expert if you are half the price of your competitionQuality pays for itself and everyone is aware of this, as are your customers!

Price is far from the only lever to position yourself and win sales. Lowering prices, when they are well valued, of course, is never the answer. This will only send a negative message about your business. So, you will say to me, how to position yourself against the giants of your sector, how to position yourself in a congested sector?

Before embarking on major communication actions, ask yourself, calmly, and take stock. Come back if necessary to your sweet dream of young entrepreneurs, the time when you were not overloaded with paperwork, and when you were convinced to conquer the world and analyze your current situation.

Highlight your strengths against your competitors!

Do you ever compare yourself to your competitors and feel tiny? However, even if your structure is smaller, if your means do not allow you the same extravagances, you necessarily have strengths. There are always some.

Maybe being a smaller structure than your competition gives you more flexibility. Perhaps you have shorter completion or delivery times. Take the time and list each of your company's strengths one by one. Some may seem insignificant at times but think about what you like from your own suppliers.

It is your differences that set you apart from your competition. Be careful too, what sometimes appears to you as a deficiency, will, in reality, be an opportunity in front of a certain audience. Not everyone is comfortable with large structures, some appreciate the family aspect, the privileged relationship, the feeling of knowing your whole team. Others, on the contrary, are reassured to work with large structures, with solid kidneys. We can't please everyone, that's for sure, but target the segment of the population likely to work with you.

Communicate your difference and your innovations

Once you have identified your strengths, which sets you apart from other companies in your industry, focus your communication on these values. Make it your leitmotif, that we recognize you for these values. Set up a differentiation strategy.

If I have a piece of advice for you, the one I keep repeating is, don't invent, don't fake, don't pretend to be what you aren't. At worst, review the way you operate to communicate new values, but don't cheat. Communicate what you are!

Perhaps you have found an innovative formula in your field, in your way of proceeding, or perhaps you have a more environmentally friendly process. It is your values ​​that will necessarily resonate with others.

Know your customers ... and your competitors!

There is one area in which our businesses must evolve in France, especially in B2C, that is customer relations. I talk about it in another article where I deal with customer loyaltyTry to personalize your relationship with them. It is so pleasant as a customer to feel unique and important.

Arnaud Deschamps, Managing Director of Nespresso France says: “Nespresso must become the most caring brand” (and not only with Georges Clooney). Their positioning is simple: "We are a luxury brand that must be able to satisfy its most demanding customers". A warm welcome, luxurious premises, impeccable, and competent customer service, everything is done to offer a very pleasant experience to the customer.

Who are your current customers? What are your relationships with them? Is there a large proportion of your customers who are from the same professional sector and who have specific expectations? Could you target a narrower target and thus become a specialist for a specific sector?

Take care of your communication!

Is communication the remedy for all ills? Certainly not, but when it is appropriate and authentic, I truly believe it can have a significant impact. Pay attention to the tone of your communication. Try to be entertaining and interesting through your different media (web, social networks, blog, print).

Put yourself in the shoes of your customers and disseminate useful information. Talk less about your products and services and more about solutions to their problems. Adopt value-added communication that is worthy of interest and trust. Prove your expertise!

Take care of your SEO. There are so many companies, artists, talented people, unfortunately, unknown because they cannot be found. Be present on social networks and invite your customers, your partners to join. Publish information, promotions, contests, in short, everything you can to animate your community. Not everything will be rosy, persevere, and believe in yourself!

Speak like an expert, be present as a partner, and prove your values ​​through your service.


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