A supermarket that minimizes packaging

Plastics fill our oceans, and despite increased social awareness of the problem, we continue to recycle very little. To avoid the problem, you may have to consider a business concept that eliminates the problem at its root, marketing products that use much less plastic packaging. Today we are going to see the business idea of a supermarket that minimizes the "packaging" of products , reducing the environmental impact of our consumption.

Too many containers

A few years ago, when large supermarket and hypermarket chains decided to charge for plastic bags to reduce the environmental impact , there was a debate about the efficiency and hypocrisy of the measure. Many argued that no matter how good it was to reduce the number of plastic bags, the real problem with distribution is the excessive amount of packaging in products.

Think, for example, of a package of muffins. It is quite common to have an outer bag and an individual container for each cupcake. Some products have up to 3 different layers. And we are only talking about the part that the consumer sees. When products come from manufacturers to distributors, they are wrapped in more layers. In total, the amount of plastic used is infinitely greater than that of plastic box bags.

Hence, it may be interesting to analyze any option that reduces the environmental impact of packaging.

A concept already in progress

In New York, there is already a supermarket called Package Free Shop that has specialized in offering products with the least possible single-use plastic . They themselves recognize that they cannot offer 100% of products without packaging, since there are certain regulations that require having packaging in some sanitary products, and also because not all suppliers are prepared for it. However, they put a lot of effort into reducing the use of plastic. Some of the measures they take are:

  • They only sell packaged products if the packaging is 100% recyclable and / or biodegradable and / or is a legal obligation.
  • They take the unnecessary packaging of much of the products they receive and recycle themselves rather than the consumer, because they think brands and businesses should manage the waste, not the end customer.
  • When possible, they ask their suppliers to send them the products without packaging, and many of them do or have changed their way of packaging to try to comply with the philosophy of the store without packaging.

A concept adaptable to Spain

Of course, this type of business can work very well in large capitals , where a part of the population has a greater concern for the environment, in addition to a purchasing capacity that allows them to purchase products and services that meet these objectives. In Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza or Bilbao there could be interesting potential.

What do you think about the idea? You can comment in the section below. Remember that I moderate and do not tolerate spam.


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