
Showing posts from July, 2020

How to succeed in winning over your competitors

In a highly  competitive  market , it is sometimes difficult to break into companies that have been established longer than you or have more resources.  We then tend to lower the prices of our products or services in the hope of attracting potential customers.  Obviously, your prices communicate an idea of ​​what you are, of your expertise, of how you judge your own services.  Difficult to appear as an expert if you are half the price of your  competition .  Quality pays for itself and everyone is aware of this, as are your customers! Price is far from the only lever to position yourself and win sales.  Lowering prices, when they are well valued, of course, is never the answer.  This will only send a negative message about your business.  So, you will say to me, how to position yourself against the giants of your sector, how to position yourself in a congested sector? Before embarking on major communication actions, ask yourself, calmly,...

Insurance against new trends

(AOF) - According to a study by strategy consulting firm Akoya, the eight pillars of the insurance value chain (supply design, distribution, contract and claims management, expertise and prevention, asset management, steering, support and non-insurance services) are impacted by the digital wave, the data revolution, the emergence of new risks, modern requirements as well as regulatory changes. Indeed, the development of innovative digital tools allows automation of certain management tasks as well as a multiplication of distribution channels, which leads to a proliferation of new online insurance. Data from policyholders or prospects has always been a key resource for insurance stakeholders.  They make it possible to better understand customers and prospects and thus to design offers adapted to their needs, especially in the face of emerging risks. Global warming, the aging of the population, and the appearance of new technologies are creating new risks that must now be insured. Fa...