
Showing posts from June, 2020

The advantages of taking out insurance

Insurance often evokes feelings of financial insecurity.  Some people find it a way to steal money from others and others do not know what it is for.  However, by signing an  insurance contract , we are putting much of our money in good hands.  This allows, over the long term, to  build up savings  and also to  insure against possible risks , depending on the type of insurance chosen: personal insurance, property or claims insurance, and insurance activity. Taking out insurance also has  advantages , still little known to the public, in terms of security, taxation, and profitability.  But rest assured, we will explain it to you. Real profitability How can insurance be profitable?  Insurance, in practice, is a contract by which the insurer undertakes to pay a certain sum to the insured on the occurrence of risk by means of the payment of a premium or premium periodically.  There are several kinds of insurance, but all allow the insur...

Liability insurance

To fully understand the legislation concerning liability insurance ... Article L.124-1 of the Insurance Code: condition for applying for liability insurance. “In liability insurance, the insurer is only liable if, following the harmful event provided for in the contract, an amicable or legal claim is made against the insured by the injured third party.  » Article L. 124-1-1 of the Insurance Code: definition of the harmful event linked to liability insurance. For the purposes of this chapter, a claim is any damage or set of damages caused to third parties, engaging the responsibility of the insured, resulting from a harmful event and giving rise to one or more claims.  The harmful event is that which constitutes the cause of generating the damage.  A set of harmful facts having the same technical cause is assimilated into a single harmful fact.  » Article L.124-2 of the Insurance Code: « The insurer can stipulate that no acknowledgment of responsibility, no transactio...

How to choose a health insurance policy - Le fou de Motley ☞ Health Insurance

Need for a mutual health insurance  Health  insurance, as well as medical costs, increase from year to year.  In fact, health insurance inflation is higher than that of food and other items.  While inflation in the food and clothing sector is single digits, health insurance costs usually climb to two-year digits. Considering the high price of the main medical treatments, health insurance is imperative for just about everyone.  However, the costs, coverage, and other features of health insurance vary widely.  It is therefore important to choose the plan based on your needs, resources, and medical history. Identify your source If you are lucky enough to take out health insurance provided by your employer, limit your options to the plans offered by your employer.  If you are not covered by your job, an organization or association to which you belong can allow you to take out health insurance through this one, at a group rate. Another option is to check th...

Ten good reasons to go to business school

1. To easily find a job In these times of crisis, business school graduates still continue to record a good rate of professional integration.  According to the latest CGE (Conférence des grandes écoles) survey,  almost 86.6% of the land a job less than six months after graduation.  And for almost eight out of ten hires, this is a permanent  contract (open-ended  contract). It must be said that the schools are concerned about the integration of their students: the lessons are very oriented towards professional practice,  many executives in service intervene in the courses and long periods of internship are planned.  They also multiply recruitment forums, CV workshops, invite companies to present their jobs on campus, organize  speed-dating with recruiters, and personalized coaching  for students. Finally, it is not uncommon for associations of former graduates, who publish directories and organize regular meetings, to help students find an int...

What is a business?

What is a business?  What is the definition of a commercial enterprise?  How does a business work and what legal form can it take? Company definition:  A company is a human organization whose aim is to produce goods or services with a view to delivering them to customers, with the aim of achieving balance or financial surplus (profitability). More precisely : A company is a  complex and open organization,  widely interfaced with other economic actors and notably suppliers, customers, the State and social organizations. The company operates in an  environment  more or less favorable  , marked by trends, opportunities, risks, threats and the presence of competitors. The company consumes  resources  (material, human, financial, intangible) in order to create value: internal resources: staff, buildings, equipment owned, etc. external resources: subcontractors, service providers, etc. The company is organized into  different functions ...

14 ways to find an idea for starting a business

1 - What can you do and above all, what do you like to do? It is often easier to create in the sector or profession that you master, because in such a case: you know if the idea is realistic, you know the sector and the rules of the game, you master the technical know-how, You have the right "address book" to move quickly. Do you hesitate or do you really want to change your activity or sector?  Whether you are an  employee  or a  job seeker  , consider making a skills assessment.  This will allow you to mature your business creation project and choose an idea that suits you perfectly. 2 - What is your talent?  Hear what others are saying about you! "You are really good at ..."  "I would really see you in ..." "You have no equal for ..." "Can you help me with ...". You have heard this kind of thing before.  This means that you have a talent that you could perfectly exploit by starting a business. 3 - Make your critical mind work! When y...